Wednesday, March 30, 2011



This project is perhaps the most popular among all other non voice form filling project across all over the world. I am getting a lot of hits from US, France, Germany and UK for this post.

I request you to avail my conversion service for this project as it would save your time, effort and resources. Not only this project, but for any other form filling project. Though those so called vendors would instruct you not to use any kind of automation tools to process the data, its impossible to accomplish the project with in the prescribed limited time frame and achieve the accuracy levels in traditional manual entry methods. So, they best method is to convert the data, verify the converted output in ms excel format for spelling errors and spaces errors and then dump the data directly from excel to client software/server..

Now let us have a look at a few screen shots.

Screen Shot-1: Telecom_Process_Sample_Image

Screen Shot-2: Telecom_Process_Sample_Form

Screen Shot-3: Telecom_Process_Instructions_Manual

    Now, We shall discuss all the fields in detail. Now, I will explain you how these fields were arranged in a specific order. You know that the Telecom Process Project's entered data will be saved in a rar file in VSofts or SSofts Folder in C Drive. Same is the case with Medical Sales Pro with a slight change in folder name. It would save as SSofts folder. If you already doing these projects and don't know how to check your work for errors, follow these simple steps. Create a new folder on your Desktop. Rename it as Quality Checking. Open C Drive/Vsofts and copy the rar/mdb file and paste it in to the new folder. Now, open it. It prompts you to enter a password. The Password for Telecom Process is ' dellentry1947Ajadi' and for Medical Sales Pro is 'ruralRular1947Ajadi'. Now, double click the form details tab, copy all (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C) the form details or query 2 and paste the same in to an empty excel sheet. Press Ctrl+1, you would get format options pop window, press right arrow to open alignment tab and there uncheck the wrap text option. Select all and auto adjust all the columns. That's it.. That is your work. Now, you can check it for errors. Apply Filter and sort each and every field one by one, and look for those unique values mentioned below. All the extra values You would find are typing or copy N pasting errors.

Field Number 1(Entry No): denotes the Image or file number. At an average you will be provided with 140 Images or 180 Images.

Field Number 2 (Form No): indicates the form or record number from an Image File/Page.

Field Number 3 & 4(Invoice Number & Invoice Date): In any company, if they issue invoices with every sale, each day, then the lowest invoice number should begin at the start of a year and the highest invoice number should come at the end. But, as they arrange the data according to their convenience, this rule does not apply here. Invoice number can be anything and the invoice date can be anything. Another interesting fact is, all the invoicing dates will be within 12th of any month. As they provide you data in the form of DD/MM/YYYY and ask you to enter the data in MM/DD/YYYY format. This is just confuse the Data Entry Operator while entering the data and divert your attention while quality checking. In most projects, the invoice number will begin with (Tc_vd-Sdi-Oem-) followed by 5 or 6 numericals. Split this column into two with the above fixed term into one column and numerical values into another column, with the help of text to columns option in Excel (press Alt, A, E in sequence, and dont press and hold Alt key), select fixed width. Dont forget to check the text tick box in the next window, other wise zeros will be deleted in the numerical values column. It will eases your quality checking work.

Field Number 5: Phone Number: Phone numbers are same in all works. As we already knew, first three digits denotes the area of a phone number, no such relevance would be found in this work. You will find different area codes for the same area. To ease the quality checking, split this column into 7 separate columns. For example, if we split a phone number (123) 456-7890, it will be "(" ; "123" ; "456" ; "-" ; 7890. Select fixed width, apply these manual columns brakes, press enter, then select all the columns and check the text tick box, and press enter.. Thats it.. Ok?

Field Number 6: (Price Plans) will have 8 unique values







109 and


Field Number 7 (Device Name) will have 40 unique values










Motorola-Rqzr V3i







ORANGE spv-C500

ORANGE spv-C600

ORANGE spv-C700









Siemens -CX65

Siemens -CX66

Siemens -D65

Siemens -SL65

Sony Ericsson-D750i

Sony Ericsson-D770i

Sony Ericsson-W300i

Sony Ericsson-W700i

Sony Ericsson-W710i

Sony Ericsson-W800

Sony Ericsson-W810i

Sony Ericsson-W880i

Sony Ericsson-W900

Field Number 8 (Phone Cost) will have only 3 unique values




Field Number 9 (Monthly Cost) will have 4 unique values



19 and


Field Number 10 (Free Minutes) will have 4 unique values



135 and


Field Number 11 (Free Texts) will have 5 unique values




500 and


Field Number 12 (Extra Value Included) will have 4 unique values

1/2 Rental for 3 Months

1/2 Rental for 5 Months

1/2 Rental for 6 Months and

1/2 Rental for 9 Months

Field Number 13: Customer Type: This field is extracted from Auto Sales Project, and there will be only 3 unique values


Corporate and


Field Number 14 (Customer Name) is common among all kinds of data entry works. Although, these names would repeat in other nodes, we cannot say they are junk as the other details would change. You should pay a lot of attention to recognize the spaces between words and half (n) spaces between characters in a single word.

Field Number 15 (Initials) is to enter the first letter of each word and it is created for this work only. You should enter only first letters of different words in a name. You should not include single characters, ordinals such as I, II, III, IV, and prefixes such as Mr. Mrs. Sir, Dr and suffixes such as Sr. Jr. Br.and symbols such as (& " ' ` , #). To make this applying initials process pretty easy, please follow this procedure. Copy the Column A (EntryNo), Column B (FormNo),and column N (Customer name) fields into a new excel sheet. Select only column C, apply TextToColumns (Alt, A, E), select delimited, press Enter 2 times and go to the last options page, select space as a separation dellimeter and press enter. Now, you will find 5 to 6 new columns. Now, open FindNReplace (Ctrl+H), enter the above mentioned values that has to be excluded from being initialized and just leave the replace with dialogue box empty, press Ctrl+A to replace all. After completing all the replacements, you should create empty columns in between the existing columns. (if there are 5 columns namely (C, D, E, F, G) were created when you split the customer name field, then you should go to the d2 cell. Enter this formula  =LEFT(C2,1) which will extract the first letter from the left side cell. Copy this and paste till the end. Now, select entire column, copy, open paste special (Alt, H, V, S) and select values. Repeat these steps for the remaining columns. Now, delit the old columns except these newly created columns, as we extract the single alphabets from each of these columns as initials. Now, go to h2 and enter this formula {=C2&"."&D2&"."&E2&"."&F2&"."&G2&"." (You can add on or decrease this formula values as per the columns created, depending upon your work, but in the end you should close the formula as shown) and press enter. Now, copy this cell and paste into the entire column till the last row (go to B1 Cell, press Ctrl+DownArrow, now press right arrow to reach column H, press Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow, Ctrl+V). Again select the entire column, copy it (Ctrl+C), go to paste special option ( Alt, H, V, S) select values (3rd Option) and press enter. Thats it. Now, sort Column B first and then Column A, copy the Column H and go back to the previous sheet, goto initials column and select insert copied cells by right clicking in P2 Cell. You can now check with these news initials values with the old values.

Field Number 16 (Company Name) is extracted from Medical Sales Pro Project. In that project these names were listed as Courier Company names, but, in this project same values were listed as Company Names (God only knows, whether these companies were really exist) There will be 18 unique values



















Field Number 17 (Customer Address) is same as found in all works. There will be no unique values in this field.

Field Number 18 (Email) is also same as found in all projects. Interesting fact is, names and addresses may be same as there is every possibility in real. But, everyone knew that email id are unique and no 2 persons would possess the same mail id. You can check this field with the other nodes or slots of work, and you will find a lot of email id's are repeating. If your vendor asks you to remove the spaces, you can do it very easily. To remove the spaces in the middle, press Ctrl+H, in FindWhat dialogue box, give a space, and leave blank in ReplaceWith Dialogue box. Press Ctrl+A, twice or thrice till you get the zero replacements were made message. Now, to remove the trailing spaces (starting and ending spaces) insert a new column after the Email column, enter =Trim(C2) where is C is the column name and you can change it with column name in your workbook. Now copy it into the entire column, paste, and then select again, goto paste special (Alt, H, V, S) select values and press enter. Now, all the trailing spaces will be removed atonce. Delet the old email column now.
Field Number 19 (City) is a common field.

Field Number 20 (State) is also common. But, you cannot ask anyone that particular city is in some other state, but not as shown in a form. As I said already, you would not find anyone, even your vendor to answer your question. There are 54 Unique values in this field and you can download them online as it eats a lot of space here. Remember, this field should always contain only 2 alphabets.

Field Number 21 (Zip Codes) are pin codes of USA. You may wonder, when you see different zip codes for a city of a same state.

Field Number 22 (Residence Type) is extracted from Auto Sales Project. There will be 5 unique values




Multi Family Home and

Single Family Home

Field Number 23 (Agent No) is extracted from Medical Sales Pro Project. There will be 13 unique values
Z and

Field Number 24 (Agent Name) is also common in all projects. There will be no unique values in this field

Field Number 25 (Agency Code) is extracted from Medical Sales Pro Project. There will be 22 unique values























Field Number 26 (Agency Name) will have 24 unique values

BAYONNE Infocomm

Bayonne Telcommunications


CALDWELL Communications

dumont Infocomm


FORT LEE Communications

Fowlerville Communications

Jersey Services

leonia Services

Lincoln Park Services

LITTLE FERRY Telcommunications


Montvale Services

new milford Communications

North Reading Services

OAKLAND Services


River Edge Communications



Union Services

West Milford Services and

west new york Communications

Field Number 27 (Deposit) will have only 2 unique values



Field Number 28 (Balance) will have only 2 unique values



Field Number 29 (Credit Card Type) will be found in all kinds of form filling works with the same 4

MasterCard Gold Card

MasterCard Titanium

MasterCard - Platinul Plus

Visa Gold Credit card and

in one form you will find CREDIT CARD TYPE as another unique value.

Field Number 30 (Credi Card Number) also common among all works. But, the interesting feature is these credit card numbers would repeat in each node, twice or thrice with different customer names, addresses, city and zip codes.. That means, (perhaps in the US, as we don't know exactly about how they issue credit cards) 2 different persons were having 2 cards with same numbers..Ha..Ha..

Field Number 31 (Card Expiry Date) is extracted from other projects. Actually it is not card expiry date. The biggest blunder they made while creating these data bases is, a single credit card number, which repeats twice or thrice in a node, would belongs different types and will expire in different dates. They could have been taken a little bit extra care while making this junk database files..

Field Number 32 (Credit Rate) is extracted from Auto Sales Project and will have only 4 unique values



Good and


(to be continued)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Medical Sales Pro

Hello Friend..
Welcome back..

Today, let us discuss about a form filling project called 'Medical Sales Pro'. As I had already mentioned in my earlier post that most of the form filling data entry projects available in the market were fake, this project is also one such. You can find this project from 3 or more vendors even in a town like Vijayawada (needless to mention Hyderabad). I will give you all the essential information and various aspects in implementing this project.

O V E R V I E W:

let me show you a few sample screen shots of this project..

Screen_Shot_1: Sample Medical Sales Pro Image (JPEG):

Screen_Shot_2: Sample Medical Sales Pro Image:

Screen_Shot_3: Instructions Manual_1:

Screen_Shot_4: Instructions Manual_2:

Ok. Those are the images I am having as of now. Please forgive me for my inability to upload the software screen shots. I hope to do so in a few days.

You have seen the sample form. Now, lets us discuss each and every field in detail. The first thing you should keep in mind about the fields is how they will be arranged. These data images are notepad files converted into JPEG format. Let me show another screen shot, which will help you to differentiate the fields pretty easily.

Screen_Shot_5: Fields Differentiation:

In this image, you can see 7 black lines. Those are the standard tab stops and please note that any field should start from any one of those 7 lines only. Some times, when 2 or more fields looks like they were merged, it would be pretty confusing for you to distinguish them. So, you shall end a field with character thats just before a line, and treat the remaining as the next field. You should never fail to follow this rule, no matter whatever the project you are doing may be. Let me first mention all the fields.

Sl.No. Field Name
1. Reference Number
2. Invoice Number
3. Courier Name
4. Consignment Number
5. Dispatch Date
6. Dispatch By
7. Sales Date
8. Sales Time
9. Client Name
10. Mail Address
11. Agent Name
12. Address
13. City
14. State
15. Zip Code
16. Phone Number
17. Credit Card Type
18. Credit Card Number
19. Product Number_1_Code
Product Number_1_Name
Product Number_1_Rate
Product Number_1_Quantity
23. Product Number_2_Code
Product Number_2_Name
Product Number_2_Rate
Product Number_3_Quantity
27. Product Number_2_Code
Product Number_2_Name
Product Number_2_Rate
Product Number_2_Quantity
31. Product Number_3_Code
32. Product Number_3_Name
Product Number_3_Rate
Product Number_3_Quantity
35. Product Number_4_Code
Product Number_4_Name
Product Number_4_Rate
38. Product Number_5_Code
Product Number_5_Name
40. Product_Number_5_Rate
41. Product_Number_5_Quantity

Now, let us discuss each and every field in detail. Any data entry project has 2 aspects. One is entry, and the other one is quality checking. I will explain here, keeping in mind both the aspects. So, use this precious information according to your requirement. Let us first see how to open an mdb file into Excel.
Whether your vendor has disclosed the mdb password or not, no problem, it doesnt hamper your work. Please download a mdb password cracker software such as "Advance Office Password Recovery" which will crack any password protected Office Files. It will be helpful for all kinds of tasks. Ok. That you may do it later in your free time. Now, create an empty folder on your desktop, rename it as QC Folder, go to C:\SSofts\FormEntry (Open Drive C, then open SSofts Folder, then open FormEntry folder), you will find the mdb file (SSoftsFE). In some projects your data file may be found with another name as VSofts. Dont worry, both are same. Just copy it and paste it into the QC Folder, just created on your Desktop. Now, open your data file by double clicking on it. You will be prompted to enter the mdb password. If you cracked the password enter it. Dont worry, if you dont knew the password. I will furnish it here. The password is ruralRular1947Ajadi Enter this password carefully and exactly as it is a case sensitive. You will find a few quarries in the left side Access Objects Pane as show in the figure. Open FormDtl. Anyone can do this simple procedure. In the FormDtl Tab, your data will be found. In the Parameter1 tab, your project details turnaround time for that particular cycle of work will be found. But, dont edit the date validations here. It shall be done by your vendor only.

Now, select all (Ctrl+A), paste it into an empty Ms Excel. Now, your work is being copied to Excel. Here you can find out the errors pretty easily. Go to format options (press Ctrl+1), Alignment Tab (press Right Arrow once), and then Wrap Text (press tab 4 times), uncheck the tick box and press enter. Now, change font face to verdana and font size to 14. Clear all the borders (Alt, H (for Home Tab), B (for Borders Tab) , N (for No Borders Option); press all these buttons in a sequence, and dont press and hold Alt button while doing this). Your work is ready for editing.

Field_1: Reference Number:

Mb_Sales-Med-Np#-l40172#1I @as-PUC1a#- 00000835032. Thats a typical value in this field. The first numerical value of 5 digits and the last numerical value of 6 digits will change. Rest of the above mentioned will be constant and it should not have any discrepancies in it.
Open an a new Excel Sheet, put the first value (Mb_Sales-Med-Np#-l) in Cell A2 (leave 1st row as header) and second value (#1I @as-PUC1a#-00000) in Cell B2. Ask your employees to copy the first part from Cell A2, then enter the first numerical value manually, then copy Cell B2 and paste it, then enter the last numerical value manually. With this method, you can minimize the all the typing errors. Now, if you are checking your work for errors, there is no use by just doing it directly through the software editing options. Instead you should use MS Excel.
Copy Form Number, File Number, Reference Number Columns (Columns A+B+C) and paste into next sheet. Select Column C(Reference Column), Open Find And Replace (Ctrl+H), Enter lower case l (l in the word lady) in Find What Box, and in the Replace With Box enter l and give one space and press Enter. Follow the same procedure and Replace # by a Space and #. Now you would see that all the lower case characters l after Mb_Sales-Med-Np#- is preceded with a space before numericals and a space before #. Apply TextToColumns Command (Alt, A-for edit tab, E-for TextToColums Option), selct Delimited, press next, uncheck Tab and Tick Space, press next, select all the columns in Data Preview Box and Uncheck General & select Text, press Enter. The Column C will be split into 5 separate columns. By doing this we are separating the numerical values into separate columns. Apply Filer (press Alt, A-for Data Tab, T-for Filter Option) and Sort A to Z (go to Cell D1, press Alt+DownArrow) first numerical values.

(to be continued)


Hello Friend..

Now a days, you may see a lot of ads everywhere, either on
newspapers or on line. They lure innocent and enthusiastic persons who are looking to start a business in BPO/KPO sector, with catchy slogans and claim themselves that you could earn lakhs of rupees pretty easily.

This post is mainly focused on various form filling projects.
We will discuss about the HTML conversion or typing projects in the later posts...

I do not mention any project name here, as it may lead to a panic
situation everywhere, with all the concerned..

Whatever the project name and kind of work may be, you should first try
to clearly understand a few facts...

1. The idea or modes operandi of these projects:
The upfront payment you are paying to sign up a project is the key.
This is a simple business idea. If a hundred people took a project from a vendor with an upfront payment of Rs:2 lakhs each, then the total upfront payment collected into the kitty would be Rs:2 crores. Out of these 100 centers, only a very few lucky centers would be eligible for billing with somewhat accuracy. So, they will pay from this collected amount only. No US Company is going to pay you, a single paise as you think.

2. Accuracy Levels and Errors Checking Methods: You may think that, who pays if one doesn't reach the minimum accuracy levels as mentioned in the agreement. Did you ever have any idea about errors calculation system? Suppose, you had submitted a work with 4000 forms. Out of these 4000 forms, there were 700 errors in various fields, in 100 forms only. You might be in a view that, out of 4000 forms, only 100 forms has errors and the remaining forms are correct, so your accuracy level is 97.5%. No..You are wrong. They never accept this. The errors calculation formula is total number of errors found divided by total number of forms checked multiplied by 100 (in this case, 700errors/4000formsX100=82.5%, that means your project will be terminated, and not 97.5% as you think). To explain this example in another simple way is, if an error occurs in 100 forms, then your project accuracy level will be decreased by 1%percent. Each form contains 30 to 40 fields on an average, and the total number of fields will be 3000 to 4000 and its very simple to find an error out of these numerous fields.

Now, imagine your self how difficult it was to achieve even 90% accuracy
level (average billing) which would meet your running expenses. If
your work has 30 fields in a form, then there will be 30 (fields)X4000(forms)
=1,20,000 fields. Its pretty easy to find out 400 errors out of 1,20,000 fields, to
terminate your project as per the agreement.

3. Checking The Project: Ask your vendor for other running centers with at least 6 or more months payments received. Perhaps no one could show you. You would be referred to centers that had just started work only. You should first come to an understanding that there is no actual US Company or Client as they claim. You could have seen your vendor's office during
consultations and at the time of agreement. You could have been also watched some employees doing some work there. Did you ever guessed what these people were doing there? They would say, there are also doing the same project. But, its not true.. Those employees are busy in checking the submitted works of various centers for errors and preparing errors report, which will be then sent to you, as if it was generated from US with a fake email id.. At most of the times, same nodes of data will be given to one or more centers at once, which will make your vendors work easy to check for the errors.

4. Conforming Whether The Data is Junk Or Not: Open the data files one by one, and note down all the available fields such as city names and their zip codes, and phone numbers of a few records into an MS Excel sheet, and mail this sheet if you have any contacts in US, or show it someone with some general knowledge, or just search online and the immediate answer you would get is 'the data is junk'. You may wonder how it is possible. Because, as they are providing junk data, they arrange all the data fields, one by one, carefully in a specific manner. Thats why, the zip codes and phone numbers would never match with the real existing codes in use which will be easily available on line (US GPO Website) for free.

5. Most of these works are fake.. If someone says their project is genuine, ask them to prove it or ask them to show you the agreement between the actual client and the vendor before making the upfront payment.

6. Be sure before you could sign up with the direct vendor only.. In most cases, a lot of people take projects from middle men or agents.. In such a case, they cannot pay you single paise, as they cannot submit your data to someone and get billing for it.

7. Any business, has its own technical and practical problems and these data entry projects too had a lot of practical problems. You should be an expert in MS Excel, and proficient in MS Access, SQL Server, .Net...etc.

So, the on line or off line form filling data entry projects business is a gambling. You may earn a few thousands or not. If your vendor thinks that he might get a few other persons through you, then you will get billing till he changes his mind. No matter what ever your accuracy level may be, you will get a few thousands of rupees.

In the later posts, we will discuss about a few projects..

Mail me your views, comments and if there is something to include in this post..

Thank You..

Every Thing You Ever Wanted To Know About Data Entry Projects

Hello Friend..

    I'd started this blog to reveal the facts behind the attractive ads published by those so called vendors of all kinds of data entry projects and share with you the essential knowledge to help you get through the ongoing projects.

    It may take some time to post all the data, step by step, covering all aspects (data entry, conversion, quality checking) through different posts. Just click on the follow this blog publicly and be notified through mail when ever I publish a new post.

     I request you all to spread this link among your buddies so that they too would benefit.

    You can use this blog as a right platform to address your grievances, problems you had faced, how you have been cheated, denied billing and even you can upload your past works databases into my pool so that they can be cross checked with the new sing ups. At most cases, same slots of works will be outsourced to different persons at different time slots.

     Actually, I had worked out on approximately, 45 projects. But, I had second thoughts to publish them. For this little work published on 2 projects too, I am getting a lot of criticism for and against it. I am receiving unwanted, blackmailing and threating calls too. All that I wanted to do is to save a few thousand from the trap of fake data entry vendors. I would like to tell you one thing. What ever the project name and kind of work may be, each and every project with an upfront payment if fake. But, still you can sign up these projects with 3 precautions:

     1. Opt for a vendor, who is in your home town, or near by, or at least with in your state. Then, visit his office and ask him to provide you with a few centers as reference. Every one will give you a few references. But, in most cases they will give you only fresh n new centers. You shall ask them to give you only a few centers that were running for more than six months. What does it means? If a center is running for past few months, that means they were getting bills regularly. Otherwise, they can't pay employees salaries and other running expenses from their pocket. Also, be sure to cross check with the centers you visit, whether they had signed up from this vendor or not. So, if he is paying the bills regularly to a few centers, you can go for it.

     2. There were so many kinds of projects available in the market. Before, zeroing in on a particular project, please check the sample data carefully. You can assign the sample work to your employees and ask them to enter the maximum sample data you have with you into MS Excel. Now, you can use Filter Command and sort each n every field. Use Advanced Filter to filter the unique values in each field. Make a master excel with these unique values. There are basically two kinds of form filling data entry projects. In one kind of projects, each and every field will have random data (such as Name field...Customer Name, Agent Name etc., e mail addresses etc) in which values were not repeat. There will be numerous varieties of names in this kind of projects. Out of 30 to 40 fields, this kind of data fields will be 6 to 7, which is very hard to cross check them for accuracy. In other kind of works, You will have fields with unique values only (means products, prices etc.) in which you can figure out the odd entries using your master excel. This kind of work can be executed with ease, and there will be a very few chances to be terminated on accuracy grounds.

      3. You will be supplied data in  JPG, TIFF, GIF and PDF  formats. You can not convert the data with ease and accuracy in the first three formats. But, it will be pretty easy if the source data is in text pdf format. All you have to do is to just copy the text directly from the source file and paste the same into the client software.

    So, when ever you are about to sign up a project, please do keep in mind these three things, and if you didn't get satisfactory answer, then please do not go for it. Because, while trying to earn a few bucks, you would loss the same, and avoiding such losses can be termed as income, although no such thing is happened. 

    If there is anything to clarify, or if you need further assistance/guidance,
please feel free to contact me over
phone (+91 888 5555 168)
mail me @

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